Friday, August 26, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 Pages 140-168

Montag follows the train tracks. He sees a fire, now this fire is different, this fire looks warm and it looks like hoboe are around it. He walks up and hears a tv. on the tv he sees a fake him get killed. Then the men introduce them selves. They are called the book people. after the death Granger turns to Montag and ironically remarks, “Welcome back to life.” All these men are professors of colleges. Montag finds out that They memorize books its easier than copying them. this means that montag has a place in life a place where he is truly free. Where he can be himself with out people judging a place where he is truly happy.. The book ends with an atomic bomb being dropped and destroying the town,-Catching-Fire,/Detail.bok

Fahrenheit 451 pages 126-140

After meeting at Fabers house he decided to head to the river and swim away there. He was astounded when he saw on tv the Mechanical hound kill another in his place. none the less they were still looking.
He made it to the river. This river is like a baptism, once old now new. When he came out on the other side of the river he was in a new lane one that he had never seen before. farms and farms everywhere..

Fahrenheit 451 pages 113-125

This is where the climax starts. As his wife leaves Beatty tells Mointag to burn the books but not just the book but also the house.
When Beatty finds out about the ear peice and says he will trace it, that is Montags shining moment. That is when he hatches out of his cocoon. When he becomes the beautiful butterfly of rebellion. Upon hearing this Montag turns his flamthrower on beatty killing him and the hound. This is a euphoric moment for the readers as montag totally defies the government but killing Beatty and going on the run. He even evades the second Mechanical hound. He goes to fabers house. Grabs clothes and Tells Faber to get out now! with the hound on the trail it is kind of hard to evade it forever. The governmetn does something ingenious they tell everyone to look out the window and look for him. Which breings to my attention why doesn't out government do that? It seems kind of a very smart thing to do.\

Fahrenheit 451 pages 91- 110

He meets this guy named Faber. Who like himself breaks the law by having books. Montag is afraid to go back out there because he does not think that he could handle and attack by Beatty. So Faber gives him this device that Montag puts in his ear. This device lets Montag hear Faber as he just reads to him. The fact that Montag is afraid of another fight with Beatty is a little foreshadowing.
As he gets home he sees his wifes friends there. He the proceeds to read to them. At this point one realizes just how deep this transformation is going. He wants to spread the word about books he wants others to read. This is another pivotal point in the book. Books are like a whole new world to him.
Beatty comes to his house and says that it has been 24 hours. Montag refuses to give up books

Fahrenheit 451 pages 71-91

Montag reads but not only to him but to his wife!!! He was not understanding either, but he somehow knew that Books held the answer. So he HAD to find someone to help. The choice that he is soon to make will result in major events. Also the Planes are being mentioned more and more. I wonder what it means. He goes and finds a guy named faber who like fhim is also breaking the law by holding books.

Fahrenheit 451 62-68

This is the end of part one. While most book has chapters this one does not. It is composed up into three parts.
The Hearth and the salamander
The Sieve and sand
Burning bright

Well Beatty has just given him A  LOT to think about. This new information will be the deciding factor in What is to come. This information that BEatty has given him not only totally changes everything that he has ever thought. This is what pushes him over into rebellion. This is what helps him decide whether to turn in the books. Beatty gave him  a day to burn the book. That was the big mistake that he made. He did not know it would back fire.

Fahrenheit 451 pages 43-52

Montag has now fully indulged himself in his cocoon of transformation. While this maybe, once a person has realized that their life is shit then they can never go back to the blissful ignorance that they once were in.
So Montag sets out to change this to find a way to fix it to have a change of heart. What could it be? How can he find it? This decision is having such an effect on him that he has gotten sick. and this sickness is the reason that he finds out the truth. Will captain Beatty have the answers? Why is he here? Will he find the books?

Farhenheit 451 pages pages 37-41

This is the first pivotal point in Montags transformation. This is where he sees a suicide. This suicide forever alters him. It is like a caterpillar that has finally started his making his cocoon. Montag does not even realize that he is transforming all he knows is that he has doubts and these doubts are growing. He even goes as far as to grab a book from the pile... Maybe he will read it? Maybe he won't?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 Quote Page58

"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are nomountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against. So a book is a loaded gun un the house. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach the man's mind" -pg 58
Beatty and the superiors of the country believe individualism  is a disease. They believe that it create civil unrest. That with books no one can be happy. That everyone should be alike, if so then maybe just maybe everyone can be happy and content. That means no uprisings, no doubt, just totalitarian control. In essence they are using mind control to keep people happy. They try and trample out the individual person, the less a person can think free the better. The human mind is being filled with quick flashes, fast thrills. Everything is fast and short. This hinders the mind from thinking, from becoming and individual. But their are those that even with all the heavy influence of anti-individual they still are free thinkers. Those that do think freely are quickly squashed out.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 pages 38- 63

Montag's life is falling apart around him. First Clarisse, now He watch a lady burn herself alive. Montag is wanting to rebel against all of this censorship. He is now doubting why the books are burned, why everything is happening. He is asking the question that the government has been trying to eliminate, WHY? Then Captain Beatty comes his house to talk to him, to explain all of these emotions he is feeling. Beatty explains in extreme details about the country, censorship, firemen, and making people happy. This has the exact opposite affect on Montag. He then starts to question even more. He starts to wonder what are in the books, he wants to read them. This little seed that Clarisse put into his head is now starting to grow and is now in the baby stages. He is now not only thinking but he has realized that he is truly unhappy. He wants this unhappiness to change, so he is starting to search for ways to change it. The only thing that he knows to go to are the things the he sets out to burn every night, books. What in will he find in these books? Where will they lead him? What path shall he choose?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 pages 1-36 date: August 10, 2011

When the book starts out the very first line is "It was a pleasure to burn." It is surereal to think that it doesn't even bother him that he is burning people's hopes, people's imaginations, and people's dreams. He is willing killing what some people hold most dear, books.
It is almost immediately obvious that this book is about censorship. Reading is against the law, Unless it is something the government gives you.
Montag is astonished when he sees Clarisse. In the society that this book is about you do not have imagination. It is very frowned upon. SO of course when Montag meets a free thinker like Clarisse he does not know what to make of her.But little did he know that she was setting little seeds of curiosity in his subconscious that would soon blossom into something he would have never imagined that could happen.Because of Clarisse He realized that he was not happy, that this whole time he had been putting on a facade. He had even been hiding it from himself. How could Clarisse see through him that easily, especially in the society that they live in?

My first post

This blog is for Mrs Hernandez, I will post homework and other such items on it