Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Make it stop.

I love the song Make it stop by Rise Against
I love the message that is sends out. I cry almost every time I hear it. But not only is it a message to stop bullying but also a message to those without hope, those with out purpose. I try everyday to go out into the word and decrease the world suck, but most the time I fail miserably. But this song gives me hope that even though the days might suck things WILL get better. That you do affect people’s lives. That you MATTER. That people other than just me are out there trying to make this world better. This song has kept me from cutting, and even suicide. When I am really really depressed I listen to this turned all the way up repeatedly until I feel better. Most everyone I know says I have potential to change this world. But I don’t see that all I see is a fucked up little kid that is trying to make grown up decisions and fail miserably at it. A kid that loves to help but has no idea how to. I kid with major flaws but for some reason everyone believes in him. This kid that is different. A kid that is haunted by his past. A kid that loves music so much. A kid with a dream. A kid that strives to change the world. A kid. Just a kid. 

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