Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I wrote this today in math. (PLEASE DON'T READ)

Maybe I should just disappear, it’s not like anyone would notice. I am the outcast and no one care. Everyone whispers behind my back, they think because I am listening to my i-pod that I can’t hear them. Well they are wrong I hear everything they say and every time they laugh at me. I feel alone. No one notices when I am upset. No one notices when I cry. I am invisible. I am broken. I am fucked up. Why does no one care?! Why am I the laughing stock? WHY? I’m sitting here in misery and everyone is laughing and not paying one bit of attention to me. It’s line I don’t exist. How can people not notice me? How can they be like this? I need courage but I don’t have any. Book aren’t even helping anymore. I can’t escape anymore it’s gotten so bad :/

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