Friday, October 14, 2011

Doctor who, Harry Potter, and Glee.

I "fangirl" over many many many things but Glee, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter are the biggest three.

Harry Potter has taught me how to believe in the world and people that love you. "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." Also that magic can be found everywhere if you look hard enough.

Doctor Who This show has given me hope in the world, and it has shown me to believe in humanity. And that Ignorance is just wrong no matter if a person is are gay, black, alien, timelord, or Dalek. Also it has taught me not to blink not even once.

Glee It has taught me acceptance, and to be who I want to be and not give a damn what others think. I am born this way and nothing I mean NOTHING can change that.

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