Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I woke up today feeling almost as bad as yesterday. I told my mom I wasn't feeling well and that I had a fever so I am home. My body is still shaking and tears just won't stop running down my face. But reading helps. As of right now I am reading Doctor Who fan fiction. I am going to get through this although I don't know how long it will take but I will make it. I am so scared to sleep to have the memories come back. I hate how messed up I am. People call me insane because I still let it affect after all these years. But I can't help it at all. In school people think I am so weird, I actually hold conversation with about 5 people total through out the school. Ryan, Cas, Dennis, Ashley, and Amanda. Well others to but they are teachers. I embrace my inner geek, and inner nerd. I am definitely not afraid to be who I am, but aren't people supposed to be accepting and never harsh? Well people always look at me like I am some freak, which I don't mind I like being alone, but still I wish they could accept me for me because then maybe I might not be afraid to go to school or afraid to tell my mom what I really am. Welp I only have one more year of this then on to college and away from this homophobic south... Btw I am pansexual.

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