Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This is a warning

To my Followers, Mamie, and Hannah
The nightmares we worse than they have been in a few years. I woke up and threw up again because I was freaking out so much. But then I called Mamie and she helped calm me down a little. I am still shaking and still terrified and still feel fucking awful. But I am getting better. and everyone on tumblr is helping so thank you!
I know I rely on tumblr, Mamie, and Hannah for a lot of things. But before I had a tumblr and before I had met either of them I had no one I could really rely on I mean I did have “friends” but I could never tell them what I was going through. So I guess I abuse it now. i realize that I am clingy towards Mamie, I complain a lot to Hannah, and I freak out on here way to much. So I am going to work on that and get where I can handle my own problems again with out causing everyone so much drama and aggravation.  I will work on not complaining , freaking out, and being clingy. I need to learn to deal with my attacks and when this panic takes over by myself. You guys won’t have to deal with how fucked up I am anymore. I thank you for all the times you guys have kept me sane. But I will NOT be a burden anymore to anyone no matter what. I apologize for every time I have freaked. But I will try and make sure none of you guys see how broken I am ever again. I refuse to be a burden. If I put this as a read more not many people will read it. i want all my followers to see it so you guys know that all the drama and crying and every other thing like that will stop.
Thanks everyone
love, Zach

I am going to start posting my doubts and fears here because I do not think anyone looks at it. And sometimes I need a place to vent not tumblr anymore.

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